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Crossing Borders

As a Persian-American I am often caught between my Persian identity and American ideology. However, thanks to my cultural ties and diverse viewpoints I’ve learned to embrace both. Yet, over the years, I’ve grown a stronger affinity toward my native country. Politics aside, Iran remains one of the richest countries in the Middle East due… Read more »

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What is Oshima Tsumugi?

As a Millennial, I am always amazed by how my generation continues to create a world within their own image. Yet, what does this mean? Does it involve protesting? Being rebellious and outspoken? Or just finding a niche to fulfill? In a way, it is all those things, and much more. While we won’t see Millennials fighting for higher wages, we will… Read more »

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Leveling the Playing Field

Despite ongoing conflicts within the country, Israel’s tourism has blossomed over the years. Thanks to it’s opulent nightlife,  high end boutiques, and array of Startups its no wonder more and more entrepreneurs are starting to call Israel home. Fashion bloggers are a step ahead of the game  however, due to their ability to attract diverse audiences and countless followers. I, myself, was no exception and  after conducting my own  research… Read more »